Freeway Presents a Successful Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consulting Case Study in Collaboration with Grupo Purdy we view Salesforce Consulting as more than just a service; it’s a fundamental and strategic tool for businesses across industries to embark on their digital transformation journeys. We are thrilled to share how we empowered Grupo Purdy to harness the full potential of Salesforce and optimize their digital presence.

Grupo Purdy and Their Challenge

Grupo Purdy, a Costa Rican business group with a rich legacy in the mobility industry and related services, is one of the world’s oldest Toyota distributors. Founded in 1957, the company represents major automotive groups and offers a comprehensive suite of services, ranging from vehicle sales to insurance and car rentals.

Having successfully implemented Salesforce Core and Marketing Cloud solutions in the past, Grupo Purdy sought to further maximize the potential of these tools by setting new objectives to boost their performance through Salesforce consulting.

Established Objectives

  • Conduct a thorough functional and technical analysis of Salesforce’s Marketing Cloud tool to identify areas for improvement and align with industry best practices.
  • Develop efficient digital strategies based on the SFMC platform to align with the organization’s business objectives.
  • Segment campaigns based on customer type to obtain clear insights and make informed business decisions.
  • Implement automated processes within the Marketing Cloud tool to optimize time and reduce manual tasks.
  • Generate high-quality reports and dashboards to enable accurate measurements and clear analysis of implemented strategies.

Freeway’s Salesforce Consulting Process for Grupo Purdy

Following an in-depth analysis of Grupo Purdy’s business needs and objectives, Freeway designed a Salesforce Consulting process rooted in three essential pillars: Listen, Understand, and Act. This approach paved the way for the organization’s strategic evolution within its Marketing Cloud digital ecosystem and related areas.

Listen: Understanding from Within

This phase aimed to gain a deep understanding from the perspective of Grupo Purdy’s internal stakeholders. Crucial topics addressed included business objectives, competitor landscape and key differentiators, customer experience with brands, customer archetypes, data inventory and utilization across interactions, KPIs by channel, and content generated for engagement.

Understand: Aligned Strategies

The Salesforce Consulting process was based on three essential pillars: Listen, Understand, and Act.

The Salesforce Consulting process was based on three essential pillars: Listen, Understand, and Act.

The Understand phase focused on building a direct channel strategy centered on Grupo Purdy’s buyer personas. These profiles were optimized with existing material, and a related strategy was designed based on the customer lifecycle to ensure efficient and effective communication.

Act: Executing with Precision

The Act phase involved implementing the previously defined recommendations and strategies. With a solid and approved strategic approach, specific actions were prioritized in each execution phase, following strategic and tactical criteria. This stage included the execution of prioritized journeys according to each customer’s lifecycle, ensuring a personalized and relevant experience.

Results and Continuous Experimentation

Finally, we conducted iterative measurements of each implemented tactic, defining experimentation processes in various journeys and channels to capture information and understand the strategy’s behavior in real time. This enabled constant adjustments and continuous optimization to maximize the results achieved.

Grupo Purdy's results after implementing Salesforce Marketing Cloud were impressive and measurable.Implementation

The implementation phase was a collaborative and continuous process. We executed concrete actions based on the previously defined strategic recommendations. This included setting up personalized journeys, integrating channels such as email and WhatsApp, optimizing campaign segmentation, and creating detailed performance reports.

Achieved Results

The results obtained were impressive and measurable:

  • 15% increase in data completeness through Onboarding journeys.
  • 5% increase in maintenance appointments through engagement journeys.
  • Development of retention and loyalty strategies with measurable results in customer loyalty and sales.
Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Salesforce Marketing Cloud

What is Salesforce Marketing Cloud?

Salesforce Marketing Cloud is an advanced platform for managing digital marketing strategies. It offers tools to create,segment, and personalize campaigns, as well as automate processes and generate detailed reports. It stands out for its use of artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze data, identify patterns, and improve decision-making. This allows for greater efficiency, personalization, and continuous optimization of marketing strategies, adapting to the demands of today’s digital landscape.

Freeway Consulting, the expert Salesforce Consulting partner.Freeway: An Expert Salesforce Consulting Partner

This success story is a clear example of the positive impact that specialized Salesforce Marketing Cloud consulting can have. Grupo Purdy has undergone a significant digital transformation, optimizing its processes, enhancing the customer experience, and generating tangible results for its business.

If you are looking to empower your digital strategy, do not hesitate to contact us at Freeway. We work with Salesforce Solutions Expert Consultants and have a track record of over 20 years working with leading companies in Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, Chile, Peru, and the United States. We are here to help you achieve your goals and take your business to the next level in the digital world.